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Coal Combustion Products

CCP Hero Picture


Welcome to our Coal Combustion Products sales support page.

Each year Stanwell dispatches hundreds of thousands of tonnes of CCPs into the concrete and construction industries where its use contributes to the conservation of natural resources and a reduction in carbon emissions associated with concrete manufacture and quarrying of natural materials.

We are an active member of the Ash Development Association of Australia (AADA) and the Concrete Institute of Australia (CIA).

Our CCPs can be purchased from the Stanwell Power Station in Central Queensland and the Tarong power stations in the South Burnett Region.

CCPs Sales


CCP Truck visual

Coal combustion products (also known as CCPs) is the collective name for fly ash, bottom ash or cenosphere(s) resulting from the combustion of coal within coal fired power stations. The visual above is of a powder tanker, typically used to transport fly ash.

Stanwell provides all three of these products to the industry as a sustainable alternative to natural quarry materials:

1. Fly ash - representing up to 90% of the total CCPs produced and are widely used in the manufacture of concrete and cementitious products, increasing its strength and reducing its carbon footprint.

2. Bottom ash - these are the larger particles that accumulate at the bottom of boilers which can be used as structural fill materials, road stabilisation and pipe bedding for infrastructure projects. We are working with partners to test the use of bottom ash in sustainable road pavement design.

3. Cenospheres - a naturally occurring by-product of fly ash that has a range of industrial uses including ceramics, plastics, resins, and paints. They are small, hollow, hard-shelled, ultra-low-density spheres that float on water. Stanwell’s Cenosphere products in particular are unique offering high compressive strength, superior colour (pure white), chemical properties and a very high heat resistance melting point.

Testing bottom and fly ash usage in road design and construction

Road construction and repair is an ongoing and significant investment for Queensland and we are working with industry to promote and remove barriers to the use of CCP. Our recent projects to demonstrate the long term performance of bottom ash in roads include:

2022: Stanwell Power Station trialled CCPs as an alternative to naturally quarried materials in road repair. The project demonstrated the:

  • ease of resource recovery

  • efficient handling and placement of CCPs into a road excavation

  • standard dust management.

2020: Stanwell Power Station undertook a reconstruction of a dilapidated intersection of a site road in partnership with the ADAA and Capricorn Enterprise. The aim of this project was to:

  • rigorously assess CCP performance against State Road Authorities design standards

  • demonstrate the beneficial use of CCPs in rigid and flexible pavement applications

  • show that higher levels of CCPs are equivalent to or exceed the performance of conforming materials.

Monitoring is ongoing and the road repairs will be used as a case study.

The National Asset Centre of Excellence is working on testing a variety of recycled material technologies for greener road construction including bottom ash CCPs in pavement design. Visit their website for more on current studies.

Working with the concrete industry to support fly ash off-take

Fly ash is commonly used to replace 20-30% of the cement used in concrete, which reduces the amount of energy needed to produce concrete and green house gas emissions associated with traditional concrete manufacture.

Stanwell actively works with industry and relevant institutions to increase the use of CCPs in the built environment and foster sustainable development.

Our commitment includes the development of the Tarong fly ash off-take facility which has the capacity to support the off-take of 400,000 tonnes per annum of high-quality cement grade fly ash. Tarong CCPs have previously been used in the construction of the Gateway Bridge Motorway Duplication, Clem7 tunnel, Airport Link Tunnel, City Link and the Go Between Bridge.

Tarong CCP offtake facility pic

CCPs, circular economies and meeting your ESG targets

For many of our clients, the use of CCPs is allowing them to explore new ways to reduce their carbon emissions and participate in a circular economy. Apart from the more obvious benefits of extending the life of a natural resource, the use of CCPs may help industry to meet their ESG targets through:

  • Conserving natural resource use

  • Saving energy and reducing associated carbon emissions

  • Delivering measurable economic benefits – including both cost and time saving.

We are here to work with you to quantify and realise those benefits for your business as you include CCPs in your building and manufacturing processes.

NOTE: The Australian government has developed policy to support efforts to accelerate the beneficial reuse of resources including CCPs. You can read more about beneficial reuse and the National Waste Policy in these links.


A circular economy fosters sustainability in industry by helping close the gap between production processes and the Earth’s natural ecosystem cycles.

Through keeping products and materials in circulation via processes like maintenance, reuse, repair and recycling to minimise waste and maximise resource efficiency, industry aims to create a closed loop system where materials are continuously circulated and repurposed rather than disposed of as waste.

The model below outlines all the aspects which are considered to create that closed loop system, and that Stanwell considers as a leading energy provider.

Circular economy graphic

CCP industry links: