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Corporate governance

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Stanwell is committed to best practice corporate governance that enhances our effectiveness as a business, and ensures accountability and transparency to our stakeholders. 

For Stanwell, "governance" is the system by which our business is directed, managed and held to account. It encompasses culture, structure and processes for decision-making, accountability, control and behaviour.

Our governance frameworks ensure that:

  • The Board is accountable to our shareholding Ministers for our successful operation.

  • Stanwell's strategies and goals are set and agreed upon.

  • Key risks to Stanwell are identified and managed.

  • Ethical values, responsible decision-making, and a fair and just culture are promoted.

Stanwell has several formally established management committees, each of which assists the CEO to implement Board-approved strategies, policies and manage risks across the organisation within defined decision-making authority.


Minister Energy headshot

The Hon. David Janetzki MP – Treasurer, Minister for Energy and Minister for Home Ownership

Minister Finance GOC Headshot

The Hon. Rosslyn Bates MP – Minister for Finance, Trade, Employment and Training


Paul Binsted BEc, LLB Independent Non-Executive Chair and Director

Member of Audit & Risk Management Committee

Term of appointment: 7 May 2020 to 31 March 2023; 1 April 2023 to 30 September 2026

Mr Binsted has had an extensive career in corporate finance and has an interest in macro and micro economics. From 1982 to 2007, he held senior positions at Lloyds Corporate Advisory Services, Schroders, Salomon Smith Barney (now Citigroup) and was the Managing Director and Joint CEO of Lazard.

Mr Binsted is Chair of the Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo) and has held directorship positions across the energy, renewables, sea ports, mining and rail sectors, including Director of Gladstone Ports Corporation, Director of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and Chair of its Audit Committee; Council Member of the Australian National Maritime Museum and Chair of its Audit Committee; Chair of Sydney Ports Corporation and the State Rail Authority of NSW; and Deputy Chair of Donaldson Coal Holdings Limited and Paringa Mining and Exploration Company PLC.

He was also a member of the Financial Sector Advisory Council which provided advice to the Government on policies to facilitate the growth of a strong and competitive financial sector; and was a Chief Adviser to the Australian Federal Treasury.

Mr Binsted is a member of the Economics Society of Australia and a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales.

Paul Binstead headshot

Howard Morrison B.ENG (Elect) Independent Non-Executive Director

Member of People & Safety Committee

Term of appointment: 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2027

Mr Morrison’s experience spans 40 years in the electricity industry as an employee and later as a consultant. He has held a variety of senior engineering and managerial roles in the energy generation sector, with accountabilities ranging from asset responsibility and technical service provision, through to asset portfolio management and general management. Mr Morrison has also held positions on joint venture management committees and held Board of Director positions at various research organisations. As a consultant he provided services to the energy, mining and health sectors.

Mr Morrison has been a member of working groups sponsored by the Federal Government on cost of new generation Technologies. He has been part of industry technical reference panels for Queensland State Government and the Australian Energy Market Operator. At a Federal Government level, Mr Morrison has been a member of international delegations for the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forums (Paris and Oslo).

He has retained an active interest in his chosen profession and presented lectures at the University of Queensland in Generator Inspection and Maintenance as part of the Masters in Power Generation Engineering.

Howard Morrison headshot

Marianna O’Gorman LLB (Hon), MClimChange, GAICD, GAIST, GDLP Independent Non-Executive Director

Member of Audit & Risk Management Committee Chair of People & Safety Committee

Term of appointment: 1 October 2021 to 31 May 2024; 1 June 2024 to 31 May 2028

Ms O’Gorman brings governance expertise in the areas of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG), clean energy technology and public policy.

Marianna is a company director with governance roles across the public and not-for-profit sectors including with clean-tech enabler, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and think tank, the McKell Institute. With a passion for gender equality, she is also a Chief Executive Women (CEW) committee member and a founding committee member of an organisation to promote gender equality in politics.

Her governance and sustainability leadership was recognised by CEW as one of its inaugural Sustainability Scholars, the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) though their Rural and Regional Leaders Scholarship and by the Australian National University as a Garnaut Prize recipient.

Marianna O’Gorman headshot

Jane Schmitt LLB, LLM, GAICD Independent Non-Executive Director

Member of the People & Safety Committee

Term of appointment: 1 June 2024 to 31 May 2028

Ms Schmitt is a lawyer by profession, with significant experience in senior executive roles and board governance across several sectors, including health, sport, energy and education.

Her significant governance background has provided her with a deep understanding of board relationships and engagement, along with contemporary governance practices necessary to support the achievement of strategic goals and a positive board culture aligned to the organisation’s values and purpose. She also brings expertise in advocacy, strategy and policy development, governance, stakeholder engagement and corporate affairs.

Ms Schmitt has held a number of executive roles which included terms as CEO and Company Secretary of the Australian Medical Association Queensland (AMA Queensland), as Group Chief of Corporate Affairs and Growth of the Mater Group, and most recently, under her own consultancy practice, she is CEO of The Institute of Quarrying Australia.

Jane Schmitt Headshot

Laurie Lefcourt FCA, GAICD Independent Non-Executive Director

Chair of the Audit & Risk Management Committee

Term of appointment: 1 June 2024 to 31 May 2028

Ms Lefcourt has an extensive background in financial, strategic and risk management, particularly in the resources, construction, and infrastructure sectors. She has held senior management and executive roles across Rio Tinto, Queensland Rail, Sinopec Oil and Gas, and Wiggins Island Coal Terminal. She is the founder of Sage Strategies Pty Ltd, a boutique consulting firm specialising in strategy and risk management, finance team mentoring, and coaching.

Ms Lefcourt has been a non-executive director for the past six years. She is currently on the Board of Acrow Ltd (ASX:ACF), and chairs its Audit and Risk Committee. She also serves as Independent Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Chair for three regional councils.

Ms Lefcourt was previously a non-executive Director and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee of Tamawood Ltd (ASX:TWD), Advance NanoTek Ltd (ASX:ANO), and SenterpriSYS Ltd (NSX:SPS), and was a member of the Jabiru Town Development Authority and Central Queensland University Council.

Laurie Letcourt headshot

John Thompson AM Licensed Plumber and Drainer, Mediation Practitioner Certificate (UK) Independent Non-Executive Director

Member of People & Safety Committee

Term of appointment: 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2027

Mr Thompson served as a Queensland Industrial Relations Commissioner for twenty years and spent six years at the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (now the Fair Work Commission). Other roles included Co-Reviewer of the Five-Year Review of the Queensland Industrial Relations Act 2016, and Co-Head of Australia’s first independent panel to advise on ethical procurement for government suppliers.

Mr Thompson has also held several senior positions in the Trade Union Movement including General Secretary of the Queensland Council of Unions, Secretary of the Plumbers and Gasfitters Union and Executive Member of the Australian Council of Trade Unions.

Current positions held by Mr Thompson are Chair of the Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority and the Queensland Government’s Tripartite Procurement Advisory Panel, and Referee for the Development Tribunal, Queensland Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works.

Mr Thompson was previously a director across a variety of organisations including QSuper; Sunsuper Building Unions Superannuation Scheme – Queensland; WorkCover Queensland; Queensland Curriculum Council; State Training Council; Construction Industry Training Foundation Trust; Qleave – Portable Long Service Leave – Building and Construction; Workplace Health and Safety Committee (Building and Construction); Building Industry Apprenticeship Advisory Committee; Plumbers and Drainers Examination and Licensing Board; and Queensland Performing Arts Trust.

In the 2023 King’s Birthday Honours, he was appointed a Member (AM) of the Order of Australia (General Division) for significant service to Industrial Relations in the Building and Construction Industry.

John Thompson headshot


As a Government-Owned Corporation (GOC), Stanwell complies with the guidance documents for GOCs issued by Queensland Treasury, including guidelines for corporate governance, investment and financial arrangements.

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